Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's About that Time

It's finally here.

Preseason events and activities have begun. Last night, Casualties Skate & Snow (Marquette, Michigan) held a premier of "Videograss" and "This Video Sucks," the first of the 09/10 season. The turnout was great, and they had over $5000 in prizes. Joe Sexton and Darrell Mathes even showed up to the party!

There are numerous upcoming events, including the BURTON/W3 PARTY at Monte's Bar & Lounge Wednesday, the 14th of October. Tons of giveaways, a Burton fashion show, and a live DJ. Maybe even a few more surprises for those who attend. Also, check out W3's Blog HERE! Be sure to stop in to the shop and pick up your Golden Ticket before the event. 21 and up, sorry kids!

The weekend after, will be the Buckeye Sale, in Boston Mills Ohio, which is accompanied by the Boston Mills/Brandywine Oktober Steez Rail Jam. Last year the event was a great deal of fun, due to the turnout, and a great setup. I'm sure this year won't be a disappointment for those who make the journey to enjoy a little preseason shred.

Coming the following week, will be the Pray For Snow Rail Jam, at Pando Winter Sports Park, in Rockford, Michigan (my home resort). We've always had a great turnout, and a ton of fun, so pack up your gear, and get your ass there. October 25th, (Sunday). Don't pretend like you've got something better to do than snowboard in OCTOBER. Of course, there will be tons of giveaways, and great prizes for those who take part in the event. Bring your friends, bring your family, just don't bring booze. Last year was a bit of a problem, and we'd rather be able to hold the event, than get drunk. If it's necessary, save the partying for afterward. Directions, Derr!

Here's hoping you can make it to the above mentioned events, they're going to be a hell of a time. celebrate our sacred sport, before the snow even falls! We're fortunate to have such events, and spoiled to have such a great snowboarding community in the Midwest. I'll see you soon.

By the way, stumbled across this a few days ago, you should check out this kid's art work, and his skating isn't half-bad either. 18 years old, and absolutely killing it! Henry Gunderson. Don't forget the name.

Current Song- Plants and Animals: Feedback in the Field

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